“Spring Into Healthy Hair”

You did it! You’ve officially made it through winter and are ready for spring! But, are you really ready when it comes to your hair? If not, let us help you create a “spring cleaning” checklist to get your hair springtime ready! 

Haircare detox. For most of us, winter calls for “heavier” hair products that are packed with moisture to help beat out any dryness. However, you may need to adjust your haircare products to lighter, more refreshing products that better suit the new springtime weather. And, as always, we recommend steering away from harsh ingredients like sulfates, parabens and silicones.

Deep clean your hair tools. When was the last time you properly cleaned your hairbrush, comb, or other hair tools? And no, we don’t just mean pulling any stuck hair out of them, but truly giving it a good ole scrub! For some of you, maybe never. This spring, take advantage of the fresh start with a deep clean day – in the spirit of clean ingredients, we recommend using natural cleansers or DIY methods, such as vinegar & baking soda, to clean your hair tools. 

Try out a new hairstyle. This spring, think light & airy! Now would be a great excuse to get layers or cut your hair to that shorter length you’ve always wanted to try. And when it comes to styling, try decreasing your use of heat by learning how to do styles like heatless curls! 

Throughout your “spring cleaning” journey, know that Clean Beauty Boutique is always here to help guide you along! Book your next appointment with us HERE!

What are you doing to prep for spring? Leave a comment below!


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